New Inspiring Chamber Website: Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce

Published: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 | Tags: Case Study, Chamber of Commerce Case Study, Chamber of Commerce website, new website launch, Website Design

New Inspiring Chamber Website: Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a new website for the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce. This chamber is a trusted business advocate in South Central Kentucky serving more than 1,200 partners while actively promoting growth and success in the business community for small business partners to large industries. We wanted to congratulate the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce on this new launch and share how this upgraded website is going to help this organization continue to serve its community and members.

Using 立博客户端app下载 Freedom’s Website Application software, Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce has the ability to:

  • Customize homepage content
  • Easily manage and update the menu navigation
  • Create unlimited forms and dynamic web pages
  • Share blog articles and news updates
  • Upload images, PDFs, and files across the site
  • Update staff, board directories, and ambassadors
  • And so much more!

We wanted to highlight some key features of this chamber’s new website and showcase these design and navigation options in case you’re looking for some inspiration to implement onto your organization’s site. 

Table of Contents:


Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce-website navigation on homepage

  • The utility navigation features illustrated icons, which offer a more customizable and fun approach to the content listed out on the navigation.
  • There is also a site search bar that gives users the ability to search for anything on the website. Learn more about why it’s so important for your chamber to use a search function on your website.
  • With 立博客户端app下载 Freedom’s Website Application, this chamber can quickly add new web pages to the navigation, and they have complete control over editing or removing anything in the menu.


Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce website homepage with screenshot of fountain

  • This website is built with a component-based design making it easily customizable for the chamber staff to update or make changes at any time.
  • There is a homepage slideshow hero video that loops different clips of the South Central Kentucky area.
  • The join now call-to-action button and text below the hero video can be easily updated with new content at any time by the chamber staff.
  • As you scroll down the homepage, the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce features upcoming events, the latest news, and a sponsor scroller with the logos of President’s Club Partners.

Featured Web Pages

Featured Web Pages

  • There are many benefits to using a component-based website, and one of them is the ability to quickly create new web pages as needed.
  • This was extremely helpful for Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce as they quickly launched the SCK Strong web pages packed with FEMA information and tornado recovery resources to help their community after the devastating tornadoes in December 2021.
  • The Why Join web page is beautifully branded and has a split image and text design component to the page. This is a great way to show site visitors the benefits of becoming a member.
  • The Work Here and Live Here pages showcase demographics in an easy-to-digest way with bold text overlaid onto images and bullet point facts of the area.

These are just a few of the many new and exciting features on this new site. This redesign has positioned the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce to seamlessly migrate to 立博客户端app下载 Freedom’s total software solution for chambers.

If you’re interested in redesigning your chamber of commerce website or learning more about 立博客户端app下载 Freedom, an all-in-one website and membership management software that can manage website content, marketing tactics, events, news, members, and more, all in one place, please reach out to our team. 

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Illustration of a city with a laptop

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Grow and thrive with 立博客户端app下载.

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